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Original Blog-Surfer

I am the one, the first, the Original Blog-Surfer. I roam around Blogdom and leave comments on whatever Blogs I want. If I happen to comment on your Blog, don't get bent out of shape...be honored.

Location: Missouri, United States

Quiet until I know you. Polite even if I don't like you. Cynical all the time. HATE gossip with a passion. Firmly believe that there are always two sides of a story and anyone who makes a decision based solely on one side is acting like a fool. I love to read, so if you have read a good book, let me know.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Work Ethic...

Maybe it is just me...but when I am getting paid to work, I believe that I need to work.
I guess that it was the way I was raised. My mom is a hard worker, she raised 7 boys and took care of a husband. My Dad started working when he was 13. I just talked to him about that recently and he said that if he could do it all over again, he would just be a kid and not work so much. As it was, he was into music and he wanted to buy some, so instead of many of the kids today, who if they want something, just go take it...he worked for some un-godly amount...like 50 cents-an-hour. That takes a lot...for a 13 year old to work that much, because he wanted something...dang!
So I was raised with those kind of parents, teaching me good work values.
If you are getting paid, do the work.
Don't take extra long breaks...that is stealing.
Shut up, and work. My Dad had a sign hanging up in his shop that said..."NO WHINING". I fully agree.
Don't sit there and tell me what a crappy job you have. Retard, be happy you have a freaking job, if you don't like it...quit. Just that simple.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when I am busting-my-hump doing a good job, and some jerk-off is just sitting around until the boss shows up. I am not a workaholic, but I am actually going to work, so I expect others next to me to do the same.
This good work ethic is really coming into play in this new job that I have...My boss tells me what to do, then usually he and his wife go to the senior center for the day. I am alone at this couples house for hours. I got to thinking that if I wasn't honest, I could just goof off for hours, get paid for it and no one on earth would know. Sometimes on a hot day it might seem tempting, but there is no way that I could do it. It just goes against everything I have been taught.
The other day he wanted me to do something, and I got it done, I guess pretty fast. He was impressed that I was done already, then he sent me home for the day. I was like, "Dang it, I could have taken longer, and he would have been fine with that." But there was honestly no way that I could have dragged it out longer without just sitting on my but for a while...and that just isn't an option for me.
I expect this same work ethic from other people as well, and I am surprised when I don't see it that often. I guess I shouldn't be...

Friday, July 29, 2005

Blogs are sinful...

Well, the trip was uneventful. That is always a good thing to say when you are on the road for hundreds of miles. I have come to the conclusion that Illinois is an amazingly boring state. Yeah...that is about all I have to say about that. Good thing the state has Chicago...keeps it on the map I guess.

Well, I tried to check all the usual blogs that I do when I am on-line. Come to find out that there is a "net-nanny" type thing on this whole server and it has decided that Kirsti and MattyP's blogs are too "evil" to allow me to access them. Too much bad language I guess! Struck me as funny! What with Kirsti as "'Lil Satan" and all. I had to chuckle...So when I get home I will have to see what has happened on those blogs.

I guess that is about all. I wasn't going to bother posting, but then when I saw that, and I thought that it was too good to pass up!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Taking a Trip...

After reading all the different Blogs that I go to and seeing that everyone is going on, or has been on trips, I decided that I needed to get in on the action. So I am heading up to Wisconsin. Waukesha, Wisconsin. to be exact. Went to the first two years of collage there and had really a good time. It will be good to go back and see old friends and also see what has changed...if anything.
I will have to get back into the Wisconsin way of saying things. They say, "beg" for "bag" and if you are looking for a drinking fountain you need to ask for a "bubbler". What the heck is a bubbler? Anyway... More cultural differences!
The plan is to leave at the butt-crack of dawn...or before. It is a 8-9 hour trip from here. I don't know what the computer situation is like there. I do know that they do have internet in Wisconsin, as hard as that is to believe, but I don't know when I will be able to get onto a computer. So it might be quiet around here for about a week. Hopefully I can at least get on once during the trip...just to see what has transpired on blogdom...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Time for More Silliness...

Go to www.comeclean.com and you will find another version of the now famous
"Post Secret" blog.

Try and how good you are here at spanking the monkey... (It might take a few tries to master it!)

I had more, but every time I post them I can no longer get to them from my links....I don't know what I am doing wrong...

Monday, July 25, 2005

Me? Cynical?

I have been accused of being cynical. I am begining to think that it is a true statement. :-) It isn't like I am super proud of the fact, it is just...a fact. Maybe it is how I deal with things. I don't know.
I was thinking about it when I was at work, and I realized that I wasn't always this way, so I started to try to trace my life back and try to figure out when I became the cynical bugger that I am...
I think most of it happened when I lived in Alaska. When I was 18 I decided that I needed to move out of my parents house. I, 5 brothers and my parents were all living in a two bedroom house. (Thankfully there were no girls in the family!) So I moved to Alaska. Weither it was the right decision or not is now a moot point; it is what I did.
I love Alaska. Almost as much as I love Oregon. Alaska is huge, different and cold. I liked it in the summer when I could go out at anytime during the day or night and it would be light out.
Anyway...I digress...
I had some really good friends in Alaska. We all worked at the same place, (Subway) and were all roughly the same age. We liked working together and we all hung out together after work. Well, with that many teens spending so much time together you can be sure that drama is going to arise. Another guy and I started liking the same girl...blah, blah, blah and the next thing I know I and a good portion of my crew, (I was the Assit. Manager) were being accused of some pretty bad things by this guy. Not just little "naughty" things, or things to get fired over, I am talking spending-years-in-jail type of things. I was in shock. This guy had spent time with all of us, hung out with us, was our friend...and then says all this stuff. Thankfully nothing happened and he soon ended his employment there.
That was the first of two things that soured me.
There is this girl that I have known since she was born. I am only like 1 1/2 or 2 years older then her and our moms were friends for quite some time. We were kids together in N.Y. She moved to Alaska when I was like 10. We kept in contact a little...as good as you can when you are young. When I got to Alaska I looked her up. I was now 19 and she was 17. Nothing happened between us, just became pretty good friends again. When she graduated and was heading off to collage I took her and her friend out to eat to say good-bye. It was raining when we left the diner and she was trying sticking her head out the window in order to get splashed by some puddles. I said that she should get her seat-belt on, but she didn't want to. Well, we got in a wreck a few minutes later and she almost went through the windshield. Pretty freaky. She was fine, just some cuts to her face. She decided to go to the Spring semester instead so we hung out for a few more months and we were still friends. I ended up moving back down to Oregon...she went to the East Coast somewhere to collage and we lost touch.
TWO YEARS LATER... I get a letter saying that she was sueing me for 50,000 dollars! WHAT THE WORLD... She said I didn't have seatbelts...I was driving reckless and all kinds of other stuff. All a bunch of crap. I don't know what ever happened to that, I had a lawyer send the letter to my insurance agency in Alaska, and that was that.
So, I have come to the conclusion that those two incidents, (and maybe some small things...) are the main things that changed me into the cynical creature that I am. I guess that it is kinda my defence so that won't happen again...well things will and have happened since...but maybe not as often.

Till this day I refuse to start driving until everyone in the car has a seat-belt on.

I'm not even sure how to start changing back to who I was...

Friday, July 22, 2005

My Name is NOT Jason!!!

I was born almost 28 years ago. When my mother signed the birth certificate I was given the name Justin. Since then I have been called Justin very little. I don't know why. Is Justin a hard name to remember? Is it a hard name to say? I don't think so, but then again it is my name, so I am a bit partial to it. I have never had a nick-name that really stuck. All my friends have tried and tried, (well there was that one...but I was two, and we won't go there...) For some reason I have been called either Jeremy or Jason my whole life.
I can understand Jeremy, because that is my twin brothers name. He is the go-getter and I am the quiet, laid-back one, so if you meet us both at the same time then there is a very good chance that when you leave you will remember him over me. That is ok, I have gotten over that now. If you had asked me about this when I was 16 I would have had a big problem with it still, but I am fine...I am fine now...
But the name, Jason...I have no idea where it came from. I introduce myself as Justin, I hear those people repeat my name, Justin and almost without fail next time they see me they will call me Jason. Some of these people I have known for years. They have known me as Justin FOR YEARS...but they still insist on calling me Jason. Some people, like my new boss, just started off calling my Jason. Now it is to the point that I don't want to correct him. I have been answering to Jason for years, so when he called me it I just answered, but now how do I tell him, "Well, actually all this time, you have had my name wrong...and I have answered to it, but really my name is, JUSTIN!!!!"
Is there something to the whole, "you look like your name" thing? I always thought that was a bunch of poop-smith, but maybe I am wrong. Maybe I look like a Jason...but got name Justin instead. If it were a once in a while thing I wouldn't think much of it, but all the time and all acrossed the U.S. of A. This is getting rediculous!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Random Randomness

Ok, I finally informed my friend that all his random websites that he was sending me were ending up on my blog. So he has made it his mission to continue sending me them whenever he finds them.

Here is a guy with way too much "time" on his hands.

This one is just weird. I don't even know how one would even find such a site!

Here is a good reminder of how people aren't always what they seem. Every one wears a mask to hide what they are trully like inside. (Hey, that was pretty good!) This one takes a few seconds to download...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Funny haha

A patient says, "Doctor, last night I made a Freudian slip. I was having dinner with my mother-in-law and wanted to say: 'Could you please pass the butter?' But instead I said: 'You silly cow, you have completely ruined my life.'"

I Laughed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Culture Study

I am in the process of getting my B.A. in Cross-Culture Communication. How does one talk and interact with people from different countries? They might speak the same language (ie. Great Brittian), but are they saying the same thing you are? I am learning that this can pertain to different places within the same country as well...like Missouri. My home state is OR. and now I am here in MO. They are both in the U.S. of A., but it is like we are in different countries. So, I am learning how to apply my cross-culture tecniques here in my own country.
I am just going to list a few things that have struck me as...different. Not wrong, not bad, just different.

1) I have already talked about Bubba so there is no need to go into detail about him. But he is a prime example of different cultures clashing!

2) I pass a cemetary every day. The irony of the name consistently makes me chuckle. It is called Dale Blair Memorial Cemetary...
I have been under the impression my whole life that when I see a bench or a garden or a whatever with a plack on it saying, "this is in memory of whoever" that it is something that people see and think of these people's lives. THEIR LIVES FOLKS. I do not look at a cemetary and think about life. Dale Blair or anyone elses. I look at cemetarys and think about...well...death. After all, it is full of dead people.

3) Where I am from, in Eastern Oregon, there are alot of ranchers. Ranchers in general are pretty slow moving people. I guess that speed isn't going to make the alfalfa grow any faster or make the calves come any sooner, but the good folks around here have given me a new definition of slow. Good Gravy. Maybe it is the humidity, I don't know, but speed just isn't in their vocabulary. When the boss says that he will be back in 30 minutes. No... he won't. Just take your time doing whatever you're doing, 'cause you are gonna be here for a while, son.

4) Roads...are freaking small. No middle lines, so shoulders. Goes from cement to grass, just like that. Posted speed limit is 25. Talked to one guy and these are his exact words, "I try to keep it at least at 45 or higher". Nice. Only in America would we as a country vote in slow speeds, then all promtly ignore the posted speed limit! Why not just say, "Hey we are going to go 45 on this road, lets make that the speed limit!.

Ok, I know there is more, but I shall end for now. I'll let you know if I add to this!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

People Watching

I like to go to the mall. No, I don't like shopping...goes back to being a typical guy. That wasn't always the case. Back in my dating years, I would go to the mall a whole lot more. Mainly it was because of...females. Yeah, that was really the only reason. You can always get a girl to go somewhere with you if you if you mention the mall.
"Yeah, do you want to go to a rodieo, and a truck pull and blah, blah, blah and oh, yeah a mall and..." And you would be pretty certain to have a girl go along with you...
Those days are now over, and the draw is different. Even in my single years there was plenty of times I went to the mall by myself...just for this one reason...People watching. Yeah, I am weird. I am not a voyeur or anything, get your minds out of the gutter, but people facinate me...
I guess that the biggest thing that stands out, if you are just sitting on a bench in the mall, is the fact that so many people are trying to be original. The ironic thing is that so many people trying so hard to be different and they end up looking a lot alike. Then if they aren't trying to do their own thing, they are trying to actually look like someone famous. Honesty, how many minature Brittney Spears do we need in this world? I am a firm believer that the one that we have already is one more then needed, But I digress.
So we have the "Trying-so-hard-to-be-different-that-we-all-look-alike" crowd, and then we have the "Celeb Clones".
Ok, I know that there are other types of people, so you guys need to help me add to my list. What type of people do you run into at the mall?
There are actual shoppers at the mall as well, but they are few and far between. The rest dress up, (or down,) and try hard to get someone to notice them.

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Randomness Continues...

I have a good friend that keeps my "inbox" full of random websites. I share his weird sense of humor. Here are a couple silly sites that he has sent me recently...

Here are a bunch of bunnies finding creative ways to commit suicide. (Definitely guy humor...goes back to the whole, "Guys think punting a small dog is funny"...)

And then we have the all-time horror film, "The Exorcist"acted out in 30 seconds. (Go to the home page after you see this one and they have a whole bunch of 30 sec movies! Quite funny.)

I told you they were random!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I Love Being a Guy, I Love Being A Guy, I Love Being A Guy...

I love being a guy. I mean, I really love it. I don't think that I can ever trully express how deeply I feel about this issue. Why do I like being male? The main reason...ONE MAJOR PHYSICAL CHANGE IN LIFE. Puberty. Yes, if you are a female you have at least 4 times in your life that your body can change. Maybe more, but I am a guy, so I don't know all what goes on in your systems. Anyway, I found this list a few years ago. It is nothing new, but I liked it then, and I like it now. I picked out only a few and listed them here. You will have to check the site if you want them all...there are many more.

Top Reasons its Great to be a Guy

# Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.

# You know stuff about tanks.

# Your bathroom lines are 80% shorter.

# You can open all your own jars.

# Guys in hockey masks don't attack you.

# You can go to the bathroom without a support group.

# You can leave a hotel bed unmade.

# You can kill your own food.

# You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.

# None of your coworkers have the power to make you cry.

# You can write your name in the snow.

# Chocolate is just another snack.

# You can quietly enjoy a car ride from the passenger seat.

# You never have to worry about other people's feelings.

# You can say anything and not worry about what people think.

# Car mechanics tell you the truth.

# The world is your urinal.

# One mood, all the time.

# You can admire Clint Eastwood without starving yourself to look like him.

# You never have to drive to another gas station because this one's just too icky.

# Same work....more pay.

# You don't mooch off others' desserts.

# People never glance at your chest when your talking to them.

# If an other guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, you might become lifelong buddies.

# The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.

# You think the idea of punting a small dog is funny. (My favorite one...so true)

# If something mechanical doesn't work, you can bash it with a hammer and throw it across the room.

# Your pals can be trusted never to trap you with: "So...notice anything different?"

Random Thoughts

I work by myself now. Most of my jobs end up that way. I really love my job, it is easy and I get good money. Don't let me fool you, it is hard work, but basically I am a handy-man for a 78 year old man and he is having me do everything that he can no longer do. Easy. Everyday so far he just tells me what he wants done, then he leaves for a few hours. Just me, myself, and I. It is a real good thing that I enjoy my own company. Seriously, I can be by myself all day, no radio, to walk-man and I am perfectly fine! I do have some random things go on in my brain, like...

My new extention at my house is 1101. Nothing exciting, but do you say it one-one-zero-one, Or is it one-one-oh-one. Serious. This has kept me busy for many a lonely hour. I say it the first way.

I used to work at Subway and we had the most retarded people come in. I have had this question asked to me. "What is the difference between a 6 inch and a foot-long?" I kid you not... Ok, now you look at the person with a straight face and answer that. No matter what you are told, the costomer is not always right. Sometimes they are just morons.

I never want to see a high-powered sprayer again. I have been using one for three solid days. The first day I was like a kid. Seeing how far the water would go, trying to shoot bugs out of the sky, wondering what it would do to someone if I sprayed them at close range. The second day the novelty had worn off a bit, but it was still fun. But today, I was convinced that I would rather take a physical beating then use one again. Ever.

Ok, a enough randomness from me...what about you?

Monday, July 11, 2005

Types of Blogs

I have re-posted this from my old blog, just because I like it...(also because I have nothing new and exciting going on at the moment, but that is besides the point). When I think of more types of blogs, then I will update...

I was surfing through blogs earlier, (after all that's what I do) and I started to notice that there were only a few different types of blogs out there. Sure, there are millions of blogs, but most of them can be categorized into a few categories.
We have the "Life Blogs". These are the ones that are just about people's lives. For whatever reason, these people write about whatever comes to mind. Sometimes they can be fun to skim through, but usually they are pretty boring. On the other hand they are only written for a certain audience, (i.e. friends and family) and so if you don't know who this person is, you will want to skip this one.
Next, we have the "Purpose Blogs". These ones are out for a reason. They are trying to sell you something, convince you of something or change your point of view somehow. Usually they are to be skipped.
We then have the "News Blogs". Every post is a different hyper-link to some on-line story they found interesing. If you happen to have the same taste as these people then they can be fun to spend some time on, other wise...Blah. More likely then not the hyper-link is old and all you will get when you click on it is an error page.
Another type of blog is the, "I-have-way-to-much-freaking-time-on-my-hands-and-no-life Blog". You've seen these ones. Four different columns to scroll through. Music. Sometimes there are web-cams. All in all just a crap load of time and energy spent. Usually it is a good idea to just skip these ones as well.
We then come the "List Blog". List of why they are mad...List of what pisses them off...List for why certain people, sexes or things suck...List for how many lists there are in the world. In this same category are the test people. Test for every stinking thing under the sun. As retarded as many of these test are I find myself taking alot of them just to see what kind of crap I can find out about myself. I usually spend alot of time on these blogs. I like to read lists and stuff.
Lastly, we have the "I am a deep thinker Blog". These ones really annoy me. These are usually full of crap. People love to sound smart and ask these retarded questions like, "What is the meaning of life". Like you were the first person to come up with such a question. Or they have questions that are so "deep" that no one has a freaking clue what they are trying to say. They only have their friends commenting on these. Then they comment back to their friends in the comment section. Why don't you just ask your friends these questions last time you were getting high with them? That way you could get the stupid conversation over with in less then two minutes instead of dragging it on for days! They usually leave it open for comments so I have made it my mission in life to comment on all such blogs and tell them to get a life.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

I Am Going To Love My New Job...

I started my new job today. The one were I get paid 10 dollars an hour to mow grass. Yeah, that one. I had to show up at 7. A whole hour later then my old job...already a good start. When I saw my new boss my first thought was, "I am going to need to start looking for a new job, this guy doesn't look like he is going to make it through the summer!" He is a really old guy. I don't know why he has a lawn business, he should just retire! The first job I had to do today was to put "miracle grow" on his tomato plants, and then pick all of his cucumbers. I was in heaven. 10 dollars an hour to pick produce, can't get much better then this. I was right, I then had to wash his motor-home. That was actual work, but it only took me 3 1/2 hours. He says that next week we will start working on pressure washing his deck. "Whatever you say, Boss! I am quite content to be your little slave!" One day I might actually have to mow...
So, it looks like things in this part of my life are looking good!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Talk About Lego Mania...

Legos sure have come a long way since I was a kid. My twin and I used to spend hours setting up our "towns" and having mock battles. Now here is a guy who has taken legos to a whole new demention. Maybe you have seen this before, but I just got introduced to it. They are all from the Bible, so it helps if you have some background in those stories; if you don't they are still a lot of fun. There are a lot of "stories" to look at, and they can get addicting...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

My Life at This Time...

This post isn't to complain about how my life is working out right now, I am just listing out some things that are making my life interesting at the moment...
Our collage doesn't begin until Aug. 15th. We came here the end of June because we were told about a job that pays between 10 and 12 dollars an hour. I even called the boss from Oregon and he said that he would be more then willing to hire me when I got moved out here. So now we are in Missouri. Hot, sticky full of bugs and snakes and hill-billies, Missouri. I am working at the constuction job and come to find out the I am only getting paid 7 dollars an hour. That is unacceptable! I was getting paid more then that, working at a coffee shop back in Oregon. Now I am in the sun, doing heavy labor, and getting paid less per hour? Crazy. I am begining to wonder if I am where I am supposed to be. So, I hear about a painter that starts at 10 dollars an hour. Painters work in-doors where the A.C. has to be on! So I call. He said to call him back in, "A week or so, and we will see". Not too promising. Well, I like working construction, so I plan on sticking it out and proving that I am worth more then what they are currently paying me.
I then recieve a call from a friend on Monday, the 4th. He is quiting his lawn mowing job on Tuesday and the boss wants him to find a replacment. He pays 10 dollars an hour starting out. Would I be interested? Well, actually, now that you mention it...I would. The best of both worlds, I can be out in the sun, and get paid a good wage. He says that I will be starting Wed.
I show up for my job on Tuesday and let my boss know that I have found a good paying job. I don't even finish my sentence and he says, "OK, bye". I told him I wasn't trying to quit now, I came ready to work, but he would hear none of it. "Go home".
So I get another day off. Not what I was expecting. I have worked four days since I have gotten here, and now I am on my fifth day off. Not looking too good on the pay-check... So, I piddle around the house, and then last night I get a call from the friend that get me the mowing job, "Hi, I have some not-so-good of news for you". NOT what I am wanting to hear right now!!! My new boss, that I haven't even meet yet, is going to Minnisota for a trip...he should be back on Sat...I should get a call around then.
BLAH...So I have the rest of the week off. I usually don't mind days off, but the sole reason for coming so early and leaving my beloved Oregon was so I could make a bit more money before school starts. Our collage doesn't allow outside work when school is in session, so this summer is the only time that I have...and it is quickly ending.
Ok, just a bit discouraged, but I am sure it will all work out. In the meantime I will work on the house and get it more liveable...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Well, I finally figured out how to get links on the side bar. Maybe I am just slow when it comes to stuff like that, but it took me a while. All the html was a bit confusing at first, but it is finished now! You can check out all the people whose blogs I read when ever I am on...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I Work With "Bubba"

I have heard of these people before. Red-necks, hill-billys, good-old-boys, what ever you want to call them, but I had never had the dubious pleasure to actually meeting one before. Now, not only have I met one...I get to work with one. For some reason the fore-man of our crew puts me and (we shall call him Bubba) together...alot. It isn't bad per se. I am actually morbidly curious, and want to know what makes the natives around here tick. So far I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't take much. Mainly beer. At least that is all I can gather from their conversation. When Bubba isn't blaring his country music or cussing up a storm, he mainly talks about beer.
Short story. We were driving the other day from the job site to where we park our cars and he stops at a gas station to run in "for a sec". He comes out with a little brown paper bag. I ask him what is contained in "yonder brown paper bag", and I get a sly grin. Well, as sly as they get down here. Ok, we are only 5 minutes from the cars, so I am guessing that he will wait to consume what is in the bag until then. I am sadly mistaken. He pulls back onto the road, with his bigbeatuppickuptruck (big surprise here) and OPENS THE CAN OF BEER. Maybe where you are from this is a normal occurance...to me this came as a complete shock. I am now praying that I can just get to my car in one piece. Picture if you can, a shirtless man, driving a peice of...truck, talking on a cell phone, drinking a beer. All at once. Now picture me on the other side of the cab. Seat-belt firmly fixed about my body, hanging on to the door for dear life, watching in horror as this...this person tries to get us home in one piece. He did a fairly good job of it...which scares the crap out of me...because this means that he has had alot of practice. Too much.
Oh, well. I am alive. I really like Bubba as a person. He is a pretty funny guy. Lazy as all get out, but a likable character. As long as he keeps getting me home in one piece. The day I come home in more pieces then that, I am going to be slightly irritated to say the least...
I have only been working for four days...I am excited to see that will traspire in the next few weeks.

Friday, July 01, 2005

My Trip Accross Most of America Part 2

Ok, I finally have a few minutes to work on my blog. I have started work on a construction crew, framing houses,(which is going to give me endlessly supplied with blog material!) so when I actually make it home, I am usually so beat that I don't have energy for much of anything extra.
Nebraska...This was our first indication of what humidity in Missouri is going to be like. If you have never lived in humid weather, let me tell you, it sucks!! I lived for 8 years in Ohio and so I know a bit what humidity is like and I never wanted to live in it again! Nebraska is an interesting state. I have always heard jokes about it and never understood why...now I know. Wanna hear a NE joke...ok. What is the greatest thing to ever come out of Nebraska? Interstate 80! Such a good one. Another? ok...Why wasn't Jesus born in NE? Because they couldn't find 3 wise men!
Ok, I am done. I saw a t-shirt worn with pride by a NE resident. It read, "Nebraska...more corn then Kansas!" OH MY GOSH! That is what they are proud of. Sad, very sad. We have some really good friends that are from this state, so I can't say much bad about the residents there, but we were happy to move on to Kansas. Well, I was, the rest of the people were asleep when we crossed the border.
Kansas. Not a very pretty state, but nothing stands out either good or bad. We did pass a pretty good hair salon called, "Curl up and Dye". Made me chuckle. Hard to get me to do that these days. The people that live here must be crazy. We stayed with some friend that about ten years ago that had their house taken away my a tornado. LOST THEIR HOUSE...AND STILL LIVE IN THE SAME PLACE!!! I do not comprehend that. Like the people in Cali and the earthquakes, Florida and the hurricanes. Man, I love Oregon! All we have is sometimes forest fires. Sometimes. And you have plenty of time to get away from those! Oregon Rocks!
Missouri...finally crossed the border to our new state of residence...at least for a while. We are looking for a town named Roach. Yes, you heard it, Roach. I am hoping that it was someones last name. Not that I want to meet someone with that last name, but the other option is that there are scads of roachs around, and that will suck, big time! We live right on the lake. Before we got here everyone who had seen it was like,"It is so beautiful...you are going to love it!" They don't realize that I am from Oregon!!! I have seen beauty before! Oregon=Beautiful. But they are right, it is pretty, but since most of my day, when I am not at work, consist of sitting directly in front of my A.C. I don't get to see it much. We do get to go down and swim a couple times a week and that is nice.
Well, that was the trip. It was actually much longer then that, but...
I am getting plenty of blogging material from this place...so stay tuned!