Work Ethic...
I guess that it was the way I was raised. My mom is a hard worker, she raised 7 boys and took care of a husband. My Dad started working when he was 13. I just talked to him about that recently and he said that if he could do it all over again, he would just be a kid and not work so much. As it was, he was into music and he wanted to buy some, so instead of many of the kids today, who if they want something, just go take it...he worked for some un-godly 50 cents-an-hour. That takes a lot...for a 13 year old to work that much, because he wanted something...dang!
So I was raised with those kind of parents, teaching me good work values.
If you are getting paid, do the work.
Don't take extra long breaks...that is stealing.
Shut up, and work. My Dad had a sign hanging up in his shop that said..."NO WHINING". I fully agree.
Don't sit there and tell me what a crappy job you have. Retard, be happy you have a freaking job, if you don't like it...quit. Just that simple.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when I am busting-my-hump doing a good job, and some jerk-off is just sitting around until the boss shows up. I am not a workaholic, but I am actually going to work, so I expect others next to me to do the same.
This good work ethic is really coming into play in this new job that I have...My boss tells me what to do, then usually he and his wife go to the senior center for the day. I am alone at this couples house for hours. I got to thinking that if I wasn't honest, I could just goof off for hours, get paid for it and no one on earth would know. Sometimes on a hot day it might seem tempting, but there is no way that I could do it. It just goes against everything I have been taught.
The other day he wanted me to do something, and I got it done, I guess pretty fast. He was impressed that I was done already, then he sent me home for the day. I was like, "Dang it, I could have taken longer, and he would have been fine with that." But there was honestly no way that I could have dragged it out longer without just sitting on my but for a while...and that just isn't an option for me.
I expect this same work ethic from other people as well, and I am surprised when I don't see it that often. I guess I shouldn't be...