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Original Blog-Surfer

I am the one, the first, the Original Blog-Surfer. I roam around Blogdom and leave comments on whatever Blogs I want. If I happen to comment on your Blog, don't get bent out of shape...be honored.

Location: Missouri, United States

Quiet until I know you. Polite even if I don't like you. Cynical all the time. HATE gossip with a passion. Firmly believe that there are always two sides of a story and anyone who makes a decision based solely on one side is acting like a fool. I love to read, so if you have read a good book, let me know.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

No More Links...

Is it just me? Or has anyone else noticed that almost as soon as I put someone in my links they stop writing? What is up with this, people? About 4 of the people that I have links to, actually still write.

MattyP says that he has no "inspiration" anymore. Blah.

Kirsti is in collage and is going to get married, so she has "other things" on her mind right now. Double Blah.

Stawberry Shortcakehas fallen off the face of the earth it would seem.

And I have already lost a couple other people that stopped posting.
I must be a curse or something...
Is it because everyone is in some sort of schooling right now? I wonder...

For all the other people that still post, Thank-you, you are doing great! But we have seen that the statistics show that you will end soon as well...
Oh, well...it was fun while it lasted...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I Have Needs, People...

I was surfing through blogs the other night...Something I do...and I came acrossed this fun little thingy...
You go to Google, or Yahoo, or whatever you use, and type in your name and the word, "needs" in quotation marks.
Like so..."Justin needs"...and then hit enter. It is crazy to see what you come up with! Try it out, it's kinda fun. Specially when you are in a boring lecture...not like I have ever done it it class...or anything like that...ever...

Here are five of my results...

"Justin needs to start playing smash bros. again."
"Justin needs parent(s) who will encourage emotional, social..."
"With college just ahead, Justin needs to maximize right now"
"Justin needs to be *immediately hospitalized*"
"Justin needs a happy ending, something to make everything right"

Hehe...I need alot it would seem!

Friday, October 21, 2005

How Some People Get To My Blog!

I was looking at my "stat finder" the other day, and it was interesting to find how people happened to make their way to my blog.
There were the people who just clicked the "next blog"button.
Then some people came because a fellow blogger has me in their link list.
Those ones are the majority, but some were more random. Two people made it to my blog buy going to MSN and typing in:
"original lego man"
"spanking childhood memories".
What the heck!
I am going to keep a closer look on this in the future and see what other random words brings people to my blog!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Not In Mixed Company...Please

We were in class the other day. (Can you see the common theme in most of my blogs lately?) And the nurse/teacher, that I have mentioned before, was telling different stories about experiences that she has had in the E.R. of the hospital.
Pretty grafic to say the least. Some people left class. I don't get sick while listening to stuff like that, but I do think that you can get your point a crossed without graphic details!
There was one story that made me sick though. The brief version: There was a lady here in America (but from another country)that went to the E.R. because of some issues down in her "neather regions". Well, they found out that in her country, after women have a child, and they don't want to get pregnent for a while, they insert a potato in themselves.
O.K. Weird, but that's what they do.
Fine, whatever.
But as you can imagine, every female in the class-room was turning read, and every male was turning green.

WHY...WHY...WHY...would you talk about such stuff, at all, let alone in a mixed group of people.
We are just supposed to be learning about keeping healthy in another country.
This didn't apply.


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Some More Randomness, (and about time too...)

Life is a little stressful right now, and these random sites were sent to me just in time! Just something silly to get your mind off of the serious stuff for a while!

Do you like snow? I love it. I don't know why. Maybe it was my time spent in Alaska, or just that I have so many good memories in the snow. But if you are like me and need to see some snow now, you can make some flakes here and get ready for the holidays early!!

I personally have nothing against French people. Could it be for the reason that I know no French people? Possible, bordering on likely. But I was sent this site and it is quite funny! Be sure to click on the link that google brings you to!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Is He Dead?

I thought that I killed someone today.
It was a *bit* freaky.
For the past two weeks we have been taking "Health and Wellness" classes. Basically it is how to get healthy here in the USofA as well as staying that way when you get over-seas. It has been a facinating class. The lady teaching it has about 30 years experience in and out of the States as a nurse and teacher. I can't list all of the different countries that she has been to teaching and working in. Very knowledgeable.
Well, part of the class is hands-on experience of basic medical procedures.
Such as looking in the ears, checking blood pressure, stitching up a cut and giving a shot.
The cut we sewed up was on a chicken leg, so that wasn't bad, but the shot we had to give to a fellow human being. We didn't have to do it, but I wanted to leard how...just in case.
Well, I got paired up with a fellow we shall name "Brian" for privacy's sake.
Well, "Brian" has had many shots in his life. "Brian" has given blood, "Brian" has freaking broke open his leg...and has been fine.
Until today.
Today, Brian didn't do so well.
Everthing was going fine. Two other students were in with us as well, and we were all joking around, giving shots, (just saline solution) and everthing was going great. We were all heading back out to do other stuff and "Brian" sits down.
"Brian" is now pale and pasty. "Brian" looks like he isn't doing too well. So, we give him some smelly stuff and have him rest for a while. We ask him if he wants to go down the hall and get a drink. He says yes, and starts to walk out the door, then proceeds to sit on the floor. The teacher tells me to drag his feet straight and lay him flat. Then I realize that "Brian" is no longer with us. He is staring up at the ceiling and that is all. I almost freak....
I was that person to give him his shot! I must have did something weird with the less-then-one-inch-needle-in-his-arm and killed him. I know this makes no sense now, but when I was going through it my brain just froze, and I started to believe anything!
Thankfully, he revieved in just a few seconds, and within a few minutes he was back to normal, but DANG...That freaked the crap out of me.
Maybe I will stick with grammar. At least I know I won't hurt anyone else with that...

Friday, October 07, 2005

With Friends Like These...

Ok, I got my school bill the other day. Pretty much paid off for this semester. That is very cool. As I was looking over the paper I noticed this...
Tech Tips Class Fee...20 dollars.
Maybe not much, but I had already paid for this class.
It is only 20 dollars...but 20 dollars for me right now is quite a bit. We didn't do any labs, we didn't need to buy any "extra" books, nothing that should cost anything extra.
So, I did what every good student should do, I went to the finance office to see what is up.
The guy that was there was very nice, but not helpful. He just shrugged and said he would write a note to someone who, hopefully, knew what was up.
His note read...Justin is wondering what this fee is for...
I check my mail box today, and this is what I find...
Word for word...
...Justin, the Tech Tips Class fee is for the class you took...
REALLY, you don't freaking say!!!
Could you be, maybe a *bit* more helpful. I can READ what the bill says...I want to know why it is even on my bill.
I probably wouldn't care if this was my first time, but this is my THIRD time that I have gotten this kind of retarded "help" from this office.
Maybe, (just a helpful hint), someone who knows what the WORLD THEY ARE DOING should be in the finance office...maybe.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Controversial Reading

I read...alot. No, really, I read like a book or two a week. I just enjoy it. I will read almost anything. When I was young, I was being grounded for some evil that I had done, and part of the punishment was that I couldn't read fiction for the duration of the time. Boy, that had to be one of the worst parts of the punishment. But at the same time I started reading true life stories, (since they weren't ficton I could still read those) and I found that non-fiction is just as good! Sometimes better. So now I will read whatever.
Another thing my dad would make us do, is balance out our reading. We had to make a list of all the different types of books that were out there, and we couldn't read two of the same kinds in a row. I'm not quite to the point in my life where I am ready to admit that my Dad was right a good portion of my life, but in this area I am glad that he made us do that. I still do it to this day. If I find myself reading too many mysteries, or something, in a row then I will automatically start looking for a different type of book to read.
But I digress...I am starting to read a very controversial series. Yes, yes, I am now reading the Harry Potter books. (*gasp*)
I was getting tired of hearing how wonderful, awful, great, terrrible, wonderful and utterly sinful these books were, and I could never join in the conversation. Well, I could, but it was always like, "Well, I heard..." Not a good way to jump into a conversation.
So many people either love or hate these books.
I especially liked hearing the people that hated the Potter books because that are full of magic and witchcraft, and then they go and rave about how wonderful and "Christian" the Lord of the Rings books are.
Be consistent, please. LOTR is all about magic and stuff! If you don't like one, because of the magic involved...then don't tell me how wonderful the other one is. You are just sounding ignorant!
But I am enjoying these books. I just got book four, so when I finish the series I will give you my humble, but accurate opinion on the whole controversy...