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Original Blog-Surfer

I am the one, the first, the Original Blog-Surfer. I roam around Blogdom and leave comments on whatever Blogs I want. If I happen to comment on your Blog, don't get bent out of shape...be honored.

Location: Missouri, United States

Quiet until I know you. Polite even if I don't like you. Cynical all the time. HATE gossip with a passion. Firmly believe that there are always two sides of a story and anyone who makes a decision based solely on one side is acting like a fool. I love to read, so if you have read a good book, let me know.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Of Mapquest and Toll roads

I have driven quite a few hundred miles in the past couple months. I have driven through 5 states and there were a few things that annoyed me immensely. Namely Mapquest and toll roads.
I use have mapquest alot in the past, and usually it workes out just fine for me. I just type in my address and the address of my destination and I get directions. Pretty neat, but lately I think that Mapquest is possessed. I have gotten lost so many times in the past few weeks by using it. It is like they are screwing with my head. "Oh, he wants to go there...let's give him the opposite directions". And they are sutble about it. If I am supposed to go south and I see that they are sending my north I would notice, but they wait until they have me on a busy interstate with exits and people flying by...then the have me take the wrong exit. Once they told me to take exit A then merge onto exit B. When I got to the "correct" exit, A was on the right of the highway and exit B was on the left. Hummmm. Not too helpful. I need to find a better site to get directions from.
What really is the point of toll roads? Are we supposed to be paying to drive on this road and with the money they can keep it in good shape? BECAUSE IT IS NOT WORKING!!! Toll roads are by far the crappyest roads that I have ever driven on. So I am paying money...alot of it...to drive on the worst roads in America. Where is all the money going? Thousands of cars a day...at over a dollar a car...that is alot of money! And then you come upon the tolls that are like 15 cents. Are you serious, give me a break. It is like they just need to get money from you somehow a so 15 cents is better then nothing I guess.
Anyway...I am done for now, I will rip on something else in a few days...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Much Ado About Nothing

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh nor more;
Men were deceivers ever;
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never;
Then sigh not so,
But let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny;
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into. Hey nonny, nonny.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I enjoy clean jokes. I was raised with six brothers so there was always someone cracking a joke somewhere. I learned to laugh even if you were the butt of that particular one.
Here is one of the funniest blonde jokes I have read in a long time. And it is clean...so click away...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back to the Quotes...

I haven't posted any quote for a while now. I ran a crossed these the other day and they seemed to go along great with my cynical view of the whole "new year" thing.

Cynic: a blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they should be.
Ambrose Bierce

The power of accurate vision is commonly called cynicism by those who do not have it.
G. B. Shaw

See, being a cynic isn't so bad...

Because it's not a lack of knowledge that's holding you people back, it's a lack of will.
Marvin, Old Man Murray, 3/14/2001

Sunday, January 01, 2006

So...It's 2006...

Yep, time for the obligatory New Year blogging artical. Everyone has one...or if you don't maybe you should have drunk a bit less last night.
I never thought that the New Year was anything supper special as a kid. We usually got to stay up 'till midnight, so that was cool, but otherwise...
I never got into the whole resolution thing. It always bugged me actually. I have heard people in November saying that they were going to quit smoking for the New Year.
You are not.
If you can't stop right this second, what makes you think that Jan.1st will be anything different? If you are going to stop, do it right now.
Yeah, so I am a little cynical about the whole thing...what else is new.
I do like thinking about what happened new in my life throughout the past year. I stayed up last New Years too, and could never have imagined how my life was going to change in just 365 days. Do I have so much change going to happen in this next year as well?
Not much I can do about it, if it is going to happen, but just makes me wonder. I see the upcoming year as a new chapter in my book that that I haven't read yet. So that is a bit exciting. Unlike a novel though, I can't flip to the end and see exactally how it will all end, but I guess that is why I enjoy life so much...If I new how every day was going to be, before it happened, then Life would bore me to tears.
So, life has been life. Full of quirks, excitment, frustrations, laughter and tears. But it is because of all these emotions that life is fun to live.