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Original Blog-Surfer

I am the one, the first, the Original Blog-Surfer. I roam around Blogdom and leave comments on whatever Blogs I want. If I happen to comment on your Blog, don't get bent out of shape...be honored.

Location: Missouri, United States

Quiet until I know you. Polite even if I don't like you. Cynical all the time. HATE gossip with a passion. Firmly believe that there are always two sides of a story and anyone who makes a decision based solely on one side is acting like a fool. I love to read, so if you have read a good book, let me know.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Types of Blogs

I have re-posted this from my old blog, just because I like it...(also because I have nothing new and exciting going on at the moment, but that is besides the point). When I think of more types of blogs, then I will update...

I was surfing through blogs earlier, (after all that's what I do) and I started to notice that there were only a few different types of blogs out there. Sure, there are millions of blogs, but most of them can be categorized into a few categories.
We have the "Life Blogs". These are the ones that are just about people's lives. For whatever reason, these people write about whatever comes to mind. Sometimes they can be fun to skim through, but usually they are pretty boring. On the other hand they are only written for a certain audience, (i.e. friends and family) and so if you don't know who this person is, you will want to skip this one.
Next, we have the "Purpose Blogs". These ones are out for a reason. They are trying to sell you something, convince you of something or change your point of view somehow. Usually they are to be skipped.
We then have the "News Blogs". Every post is a different hyper-link to some on-line story they found interesing. If you happen to have the same taste as these people then they can be fun to spend some time on, other wise...Blah. More likely then not the hyper-link is old and all you will get when you click on it is an error page.
Another type of blog is the, "I-have-way-to-much-freaking-time-on-my-hands-and-no-life Blog". You've seen these ones. Four different columns to scroll through. Music. Sometimes there are web-cams. All in all just a crap load of time and energy spent. Usually it is a good idea to just skip these ones as well.
We then come the "List Blog". List of why they are mad...List of what pisses them off...List for why certain people, sexes or things suck...List for how many lists there are in the world. In this same category are the test people. Test for every stinking thing under the sun. As retarded as many of these test are I find myself taking alot of them just to see what kind of crap I can find out about myself. I usually spend alot of time on these blogs. I like to read lists and stuff.
Lastly, we have the "I am a deep thinker Blog". These ones really annoy me. These are usually full of crap. People love to sound smart and ask these retarded questions like, "What is the meaning of life". Like you were the first person to come up with such a question. Or they have questions that are so "deep" that no one has a freaking clue what they are trying to say. They only have their friends commenting on these. Then they comment back to their friends in the comment section. Why don't you just ask your friends these questions last time you were getting high with them? That way you could get the stupid conversation over with in less then two minutes instead of dragging it on for days! They usually leave it open for comments so I have made it my mission in life to comment on all such blogs and tell them to get a life.


Blogger Kirsti said...

And where does mine fit in?

5:46 PM  
Blogger LillyRose said...

I was about to ask the same question, but I bet I can guess.

10:16 PM  
Blogger Original Blog-surfer said...

Kristi, yours is a mess, I mean a mix :-), but it was the lists that caught my attention...I am a sucker for lists! Lady...yours is life/rant blog. But a good one. I need to add "Rant Blogs" to my list...

4:23 PM  

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