I thought that I killed someone today.
It was a *bit* freaky.
For the past two weeks we have been taking "Health and Wellness" classes. Basically it is how to get healthy here in the USofA as well as staying that way when you get over-seas. It has been a facinating class. The lady teaching it has about 30 years experience in and out of the States as a nurse and teacher. I can't list all of the different countries that she has been to teaching and working in. Very knowledgeable.
Well, part of the class is hands-on experience of basic medical procedures.
Such as looking in the ears, checking blood pressure, stitching up a cut and giving a shot.
The cut we sewed up was on a chicken leg, so that wasn't bad, but the shot we had to give to a fellow human being. We didn't
have to do it, but I wanted to leard how...just in case.
Well, I got paired up with a fellow we shall name "Brian" for privacy's sake.
Well, "Brian" has had many shots in his life. "Brian" has given blood, "Brian" has freaking broke open his leg...and has been fine.
Until today.
Today, Brian didn't do so well.
Everthing was going fine. Two other students were in with us as well, and we were all joking around, giving shots, (just saline solution) and everthing was going great. We were all heading back out to do other stuff and "Brian" sits down.
"Brian" is now pale and pasty. "Brian" looks like he isn't doing too well. So, we give him some smelly stuff and have him rest for a while. We ask him if he wants to go down the hall and get a drink. He says yes, and starts to walk out the door, then proceeds to sit on the floor. The teacher tells me to drag his feet straight and lay him flat. Then I realize that "Brian" is no longer with us. He is staring up at the ceiling and that is all. I almost freak....
I was that person to give him his shot!
I must have did something weird with the less-then-one-inch-needle-in-his-arm and killed him. I know this makes no sense now, but when I was going through it my brain just froze, and I started to believe anything!
Thankfully, he revieved in just a few seconds, and within a few minutes he was back to normal, but DANG...That freaked the crap out of me.
Maybe I will stick with grammar. At least I know I won't hurt anyone else with that...