I have written before about being a
cynical bugger and I thought that after time you would just sort of "plateau" and reach you height of cynicism. I was wrong. This past week I have been kicked to greater heights then ever before.
Let me explain. I live on a campus with about 500 or so other people. Not too big, but they are planning on it growing a huge amount over the next few years.
Well, this campus doesn't have a regular sewage system...it has what we refer to as, "pickle ponds". Yes, you have the correct image. Everything we flush down the toilet, drains into a series of 8 ponds. Using sun, air and bacteria by the time everythig reaches the 8th pond we can and do use it to water the soccer fields.
(no, I don't play soccer here...ever)
A crude yet effective way to get rid of all that waste.
Well, the ponds are out-dated and there are some concerns that they are beginning to leak into the lake that we live by and that when we end up with more students in the next few years they won't be able to keep up with the "flow".
So we are in the process of building a HUGE waste desposel plant. So big it can hold 2.5 million lbs of...well...crap.
Well, the past few weeks we have been digging a hole in the ground that is over 80feet wide/long and about 20 feet deep. We had problems with water in the hole and different stuff, so it has taken longer then we thought, but it is coming along.
Friday afternoon we got a surprise inspection by DRN. Department of Natural Resources. They are in charge of anything that might affect the lake water. Since we are digging close to the lake and in between two creeks that run into the lake, then they have the "right" to say how we should conduct our digging.
They only come out though when they get a call from someone complaining. Aparently someone complained about our hole in the ground. When the guy said that, my crew looked around where we were at, to see who could see the hole....Uhh...no one can see the hole except...EXCEPT some staff members that live on campus.
I was thinking that no way would someone here on campus complain to the county about us trying to make a sewage plant.
So we asked the guy who complained...but he can't "devolge that kind of infomation". So we asked if it was someone close....and he said "someone
very close.
OH MY GOODNESS...you don't like the hole...it is "ruining your view" and one staff member said...and so you don't go to the board to complain...you go to the county????
This isn't the first time either...they have complained, again to DNR, about us cutting down trees so we can build more student housing....
They faculty live here for basically free. Part of the benifit of being a teacher....so then they turn around and whine when the school does something to their own land???
Arg...I guess that I am still young enough to be surprised be stuff...I guess that is a good thing...