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Original Blog-Surfer

I am the one, the first, the Original Blog-Surfer. I roam around Blogdom and leave comments on whatever Blogs I want. If I happen to comment on your Blog, don't get bent out of shape...be honored.

Location: Missouri, United States

Quiet until I know you. Polite even if I don't like you. Cynical all the time. HATE gossip with a passion. Firmly believe that there are always two sides of a story and anyone who makes a decision based solely on one side is acting like a fool. I love to read, so if you have read a good book, let me know.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Women Win This Round...

I have come to the conclusion, that even though men think that they are in control, they aren't...women really are. I has taken me awhile to recognize this fact, and even longer to admit it. But there it is.
Women will get their way, regardless of what we as guys think. We can put up a fight for as long as we want, but in the end we will give in.
I am a pretty stubborn person...or so I have been told...but I am no match for women, regardless of their age. I can do anything, I can scream, I can even change the subject, and before I know it, I am doing what I said I didn't want to. The persistence that I have seen in some women, when they want something...DANG. There is the standing joke when you are in a relationship, that if you are "in trouble" the guy sleeps on the couch. When I was a kid I used to think that was a bunch of bunk. I would say such things as, "I will sleep where I want to, she can move if she doesn't want to sleep with me." I now realize that the whole "sleeping on the couch" thing is not a punishment, is more of a defensive position. Sometimes that is the only way that a guy is going to get ANY sleep at all!
It wasn't always this way. In my younger days, I would stick with my decision, just to prove a point, but now...I pick my battles. If it is something that I am really adament about, then I can stick to my guns...I'm not a wimp, but as I get older I realize that so many issues are just so petty.
Am I getting wiser, or am I just tired?


Blogger LillyRose said...

Definitely Wiser ;)
However, in my marriage my husband definitely embraces the ways of women, whereas I tend to be more like a man when we argue so if anyone were to sleep on the couch--
it would be me! hahaha

8:29 AM  
Blogger Keith said...

guess yo tired maybe a little wiser, thanks god im still single ^_^

1:21 AM  
Blogger Kirsti said...

That is just rude. We do NOT argue over silly things. I am deeply insulted. Go sleep on the couch and think about what you have done!

11:02 AM  
Blogger Eluzai said...

Women power ! lol!! but seriously, you're getting wiser.. good for u.

3:21 AM  

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